I hope everyone had some nice christmas days or will have some nice days!
My last couple of weeks were a bit hectic since I got a new kitchen! But I'm so happy
Sadly a piece is still missing and will arrive in January. Also in January I will renovate my bedroom and after this the living room and also the bathroom. So I have mentally prepare for stress
Heres my new kitchen!! I love it so much and I have so much fun cooking again!!
Nothing much has happened since..
on Christmas I invited my mother and stepdad for dinner which was really nice. It was a really relaxed day and I'm glad that my partens aren't a fan of big partys and dinners.
We had some cookies with coffee, exchaned presents and cooked together.
Also for my makeup and outfit I didn't wanted to stress myself. Las year we celebrated at my parents place and we all wore homewear
I got this super cute japanese school style bag and I already put on some stuff! I love it so far!
Also the last two Hunter x Hunter DvDs (TT A TT) The next day (today lol) I started from episode 1 and lets see how my mental state will be at the last episode
Whats your fav Anime or Manga?
The next days I have nothing planned so I will prepare some witchy stuff for the 31st since it will also be a full moon!! So exciting and kinda scary. But the new year will start with a fresh moon cycle so let's hope for the best
Awh I'm glad you were able to have a somewhat relaxing Christmas! Can't wait to see what coords you do with your new bag, it's super cute! And my fave anime is definitely Super Gals hahahaha.